Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Racial stereotypes : Why always African American...

picture by-http://www.highsnobiety.com/2015/09/02/misogyny-hip-hop-op-ed/
I do not remember exactly date but i watched movie " Strait Outta Compton". It was amazing movie and i almost fell in love with N.W.A and before i watched this movie i did not know what N.W.A is. Anyway this movie shows us or tell us how they could be a popular hip hop group and how they overcome stereotypes even they were African American they did very well and because of that they could be a successful people. However they also had hard time. Even they had just break on the street, police men thought they are gangster or bad people. It is exactly absolutely wrong. And also If black people get caught from cops, they would be more get strong punishment than white people. Here is some sources about stereotypes of criminals.
The criminal stereotype of African Americans in the United States is an ethnic stereotype according to which African American males are stereotyped to be criminal and dangerous. The figure of the African-American man as criminal has appeared frequently in American popular culture and it has been associated with racial profiling by law enforcement. Research in the United States has revealed a common perception that African-American males are more prone to commit, or more responsible for committing violent crimes in the country. This belief is supported by crime statistics. Per capita, African Americans are much more likely to commit and be arrested for crimes of violence than other racial groups. However, African Americans are significantly more likely to be profiled, arrested and incarcerated in the US than white suspects who commit similar offenses and have equal or longer criminal records. African-American men are overrepresented in the American prison system; according to numerous sources, African Americans are approximately six times more likely to spend time in prison or jail than whites. According to research, African Americans receive up to 60% longer federal prison sentences than whites who commit similar offenses, and 20% longer prison sentences than whites who commit the same offenses. Some academic sources state that this is partially due to prosecutors over-charging African American defendants in contrast to white defendants.
resource from - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_stereotype_of_African_Americans

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