Tuesday, September 29, 2015

bad bad driver


  Do you think Asian people good at calculating? or Asian people not good at doing entertain      job?Sometimes people ask me that can you drive? and some people expect that i can do whatever related to math. However those are also stereotypes. Asian people are doing well for driving and not every Asian people good at math. That is because when people watch movies or TV show it shows and explain almost Asian people are studying hard and they do not drive well... This is because directors think that is but not.You might call it the racist stereotype oxymoron. Mexicans are lazy, but are also taking all the jobs. Asians are bad drivers, but are super tech-wizard ninjas.(Which, BTW. Ninjas? Because Asians know kung fu just by having a certain DNA makeup and roots from the exotic Far East? I'm actually karate-chopping my keyboard and writing nuclear physics proofs as I type this.)Some folks might ask, Wait! Isn't a positive stereotype, like the tech-wizard ninja one, actually kind of good? Some folks might also never have been asked to calculate the tip at a restaurant because of their assumed Asian math prowess. How can a group be stereotyped in such diametrically opposite ways? If folks are going to say racist things after a fatal tragedy, is it too much to ask that at least the stereotypes be consistent? Because, you know, we can't possibly be bad drivers and good at All The Things.
and journal explaining-http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/09/200500744/dueling-stereotypes-bad-asian-drivers-good-at-everything-asiana


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Equality For All

What do you think about this picture? Are you shocked by this picture? You cannot say anything judgmental about this picture. You have to respect them because they also love and they also feel each other as a lover. Especially Asian people cannot understand, but it should be accepted. Some people are prejudiced against gays, it is easy to say that many people do that. However, it is not normal people’s business but gay people who have right to love. I know it is really hard to understand their mind and accept them if they were your family member. However, they are fighting to get right and to explain to people they also can love each other.
Marriage equality was not then a priority of gay activists. Rather, they focused on decriminalizing consensual sex between same-sex partners, securing legislation forbidding discrimination based on sexual orientation in public accommodations and employment, and electing the nation’s first openly gay public officials. Indeed, most gays and lesbians at the time were deeply ambivalent about marriage. Lesbian feminists tended to regard the institution as oppressive, given the traditional rules that defined it, such as coverture and immunity from rape. Most sex radicals objected to traditional marriage’s insistence on monogamy; for them, gay liberation meant sexual liberation.
Only in the late 1980s did activists begin to pursue legal recognition of their relationships—and even gay marriage. The AIDS epidemic had highlighted the vulnerability of gay and lesbian partnerships: nearly 50,000 people had died of AIDS, two-thirds of them gay men; the median age of the deceased was 36. An entire generation of young gay men was forced to contemplate legal issues surrounding their relationships: hospital visitation, surrogate medical decisionmaking, and property inheritance. In addition, the many gay and lesbian baby boomers who were becoming parents sought legal recognition of their families.
Still, as late as 1990, roughly 75 percent of Americans believed homosexual sex to be immoral, only 29 percent supported gay adoptions, and only 10 percent to 20 percent supported same-sex marriage. Not a single jurisdiction in the world had yet embraced marriage equality.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Racial Stereotypes : stop judging

interracial images
This is my first blog and before this time i did not even know how to use tweeter and blog. It tells I am not related to social media, this is why I should know how can I deal with media. I choose Racial Stereotypes as a topic because nowadays actually since long time ago and till now this is big problem in the word especially in the U.S. There are too many people who have their own nationality live in the U.S. some people from Asia, some people from Europe, and some people from Africa. Each country has its own culture and own skin color but some people judge only as a skin color. Skin color? It is nothing. It is just given from parents and from GOD. How people can judge only Skin Color!!! Especially for example police officers, in the airport when people be admitted in to a country, and so on. Of course some people do something wrong or crazy but that person can not be a representative. This racial stereotypes should be stopped and people should understand and try to know them and welcome. 

Photo by http://www.mnn.com/health/fitness-well-being/stories/racist-thinkers-are-less-creative-says-study